Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLEHMANN, Paul Gerhard
, GG Uncle
Christen11 May 1884, Bethany, SA311 Age: <1
Death3 Jul 1944, Angaston, SA312,313 Age: 60
Godparent 1Friedrich Ahrens28
Godparent 2Philipp Lehmann
Godparent 3Ernestine Ahrens28
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 6 Jul 1944315
MR. PAUL G. LEHMANNMr Paul Gerhard Lehmann,60, died in Angaston Hospital onSaturday, after a short illness.He was a son of the late Mr andMrs C. F. W. Lehmann, VineVale, being born there on April15, 1884-. He was apprenticedto wheel wrighting with Messrs C.and F. Linke, Moculta, and be
came a conscientious and skilfulcraftsman of repute. The earnest endeavour he infused into hiswork was largely responsible forhis decline in health over the last15 years. Over 30 years ago hewas associated with his brotherin business in Angaston, thenwent to Adelaide, and later tovarious parts of Victoria. Hemarried Miss Amanda Semler, ofSprington, on Sept. 13, 1910;Rev. Harms officiating, and sheis left with 3 sons and 2 daugh-ters: Harold, Vic, Dulcie, Denis(Aero Assembly. Brisbane), andRuth. A daughter died in in-1fancy. The five brothers and 3sisters are: Rev. F. J. Lehmann,Messrs Martin, Con, Harry, Phillip, Mrs H." Lindner, Mrs F. A.Schliebs and Mrs Miller (WA).Rev. G. L. Loeklc.v ministeredat the funeral on Monday, bearers being Messrs A. Schmidt, B.W. Pech, W. G- Ahrens and J.Burgemeister.
BurialCulgoa Cemetery, Horsham, Vic319
Marriage13 Sep 1910, Lutheran Church, Springton, SA320