Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLEHMANN, Franz Julius
, GG Uncle
Christen2 Feb 1890, Bethany, SA333 Age: <1
Godparent 3Marie Ahrens28,28
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 10 May 1945335
2,000 Pay Tribute to theLate Rev. F. J. Lehmann
REV. F. J. LEHMANN'S funeral at Ang-aston on Sunday was the largest everseen here, about 2,000 people attending.There were about 400 cars in the cortege,the head of which was at the cemetery (2miles away) before the last cars left ZionLutheran Church, where the funeral serv-ice was held. Rev. Lehmann, 55, collapsedand died on Friday morning. He had hadheart trouble for some time, and was notfeeling well when he arose. In addition tothe funeral, about 180 beautiful floral tri-butes bore testimony to the high esteemand affection in which he was held here andin surrounding areas. Rev. R. B. Reuther,who prepared the biography, referred tohim as "a faithful and devoted husband, a
kind and thoughtful father, asuccessful and sincere pastor, agood and highly esteemed citi-zen, and our intimate friend."Fifth son of the late Mr andMrs C. F. W. Lehmann, he wasborn at Vine Vale on January23, 1890, being christened andconfirmed by the late Rev. G.A. Heidenreich. He enteredImmanuel College, Point Pass onJan. 23, 1900, and graduated atSt. Paul Luther Seminary, Min-neapolis, USA, on Jan. 23, 1911.After 3 months as home mission-er in Western Canada, he re-turned to SA via Europe, andwas ordained and inducted byRev. J. H. S. Heidenreich onOct. 22, 1911, at Eden Valley.His parish then included San-dieton and Murrayville (Vic.),and he would often go by motorcycle to Murray Bridge in orderto catch the train for Murray-ville. The parish now also em-braces Eden Valley, Keyneton,Penrice, Dimchurch and St.Kitts.He was a former vice-pres. ofsynod's SA district, and servedon most of its boards and com-mittees. He was on the FinkeMission Board—a former secre-tary—and the Immanuel Col-lege Board. He was chairmanof the District Hospital Board,and had been on the Band com-mittee. He was a special con-stable under ARP, and a dist-rict billeting officer. He was afluent, forceful speaker with aninimitable touch of humour. Hisrecreation was bowls.In 1912 he married Miss EllaE. Hasting, who died on July7, 1926; two of their five child-ren having predeceased her. OnAug. 18, 1927, he married MissErna Regina Linke, and theyhad three children. Bearers atthe home and cemetery on Sun-day were Elders E. H. Doecke(St. Kitts), R. Heintze (Dim-church), G. Roesler (Penrice),Alb. Kroehn and E. Roesler(Eden Valley) and J. Graetz(Keyneton). Bearers at thechurch were Revds. K. Renner,A. Simpfendorfer, G. Obst, H.Stiller, C. Weckert and B. Bar-tholomaeus.Rev. J. Riedel (SA vice-pres)conducted the family devotionat the home. Rev. H. F. W.Roehrs had charge of service atthe church, and Rev. J. Doehler(SA pres.) gave the funeral ad-dress. Rev. R. B. Reuther gavethe biography and afterwardsconducted the service at thegraveside. Rev. H. Heidenreichhad the committal. Among the180 beautiful floral tributeswere wreaths from the UELCA,S A District UELCA (Rev. J.Dochler pres.), Faculty of Im-manuel Seminary, Finke RiverMission Board, Board of Man-agement of Immanuel College,Angaston Cong.Church, Angas-ton Bowling Club, AngastonDistrict Hospital Board and theMatron and Staff, Penrice Con-gregation, Penrice SundaySchool, Angaston MethodistChurch, Angaston Ministers'Fraternal, Eden Valley Congre-gation, Bethany Congregation,St. Kitts Congregation, Keyne-ton & Eden Valley YPS, Eben-ezer YPS, North Rhine Congre-gation, Staff of Port AdelaideFire Station, Fire Brigade Sickand Accident Fund.Left with Mrs Lehmann areAdeline (Mrs V. Linke), Hen-ley Beach; Elmer, Pt. Adelaide;Desma (Mrs R. Shelley) Cooma,NSW; Kevin and Peter, both atCollege; and Josephine. Thefour brothers and three sistersare Con. and Martin, both Ang-aston; Phillip, Vine Vale; Har-ry, Monash; Sophie (Mrs H.Lindner), Minnie (Mrs FredSchliebs), both Vine Vale; andBertha (Mrs F. Muller), WA.
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 18 Mar 1948337
Memorial to Rev.F. J.LehmannA memorial to the faithful ser-vice of the late Rev F. J. Lehnmnnto the Eden Valley, North Rhine,Dimchurch, St. Kitts and PenriceLutheran congregations, has beenerected in the Angaston Cemetery,The cost, which amounted £9215/- was contributed voluntarilyby these congregations, with a de-sire to perpetuate the memory oftheir faithful pastor.When he passed, in May, 1945,more than 2,000 people attendedthe funeral. He was only 55, andcollapsed after a heart attack. Inaddition to his splendid work forhis Church, he took an active partin community life, was chairman of'the District Hospital Board and akeen bowler. His help was forth-coming during the war years, forhis experiences on the Continentand in-the U.S.A. had left theirimpress
Birth6 Nov 1890, South Kilkerran, SA326,338
Death7 Jul 1926326,26 Age: 35
Marriage23 Apr 1913, St Johannes Lutheran Church, South Kilkerran, SA339
Birth8 May 1902, Urania, SA121,334
Death2000 Age: 97
Burial7 Jul 2000, Maitland, SA314