Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGRAMP, Anna Dorothea 
Birth4 May 1845, Rowland Flat, SA224,232
Death2 Oct 1942, Halletts Valley, SA224,232 Age: 97
BurialRowland Flat, SA224
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 20 Oct 1932232
MRS. A. D. SCHULZ.Mrs. Anna Dorothea Schulz, of Hallet's Valley, who died recently at herresidence, was born at Hope Valley onMay 4, 1845. She was the seconddaughter of the late. Mr. and Mrs.Johannes Gramp. On November 5,1867, she was married to Mr. FriedrichWilhelm Schulz in the LutheranChurch at Rowland's Plat. This wasthe first wedding in the church, whichhad just been completed. Mrs. Schulzremained a member of the church allher life. After their marriage Mr. andMrs. Schulz moved to Hallet's Valley,where farming and gardening pursuitswere successfully carried out. Her husband died in 1902, and Mrs. Schulz,with her children, carried on the farmfor another 20 years, and then handedit over to her eldest son on the sharesystem. The deceased, who was 87,lived at Hallet's Valley for 65 years.She leaves three sons. Messrs. RichardSchulz. of Hallet's Valley; Ben Schulz,of Wallawalla, N.S.W.; and HeinrichBenjamin Schulz, of Tanunda; anddaughters. Mesdames Alf Bruchmann,of Kangarilla; Mick Fahey, of Plympton, Gottlieb Graetz, of UrangelineEast, N..SW.; and Friedrich Koch, ofStockport.
Birth3 Jan 1846, Rowland Flat, SA224,86
Christen14 Apr 184686 Age: <1
Death6 Nov 1902, Lyndoch, SA224 Age: 56
BurialRowland Flat, SA224