Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHENSCHKE, Reinholdt Ernest (August)
, 1C4R
Birth12 Apr 1860, Eden Valley, SA2638
Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954) Fri 6 Feb 19422640
OBITUARYThe Late Mr. A. Henschke,Hookina.THE parish of Hawker has lost oneof its most prominent membersin the death of August Henschke, lateof Hookina, father of the Most Rev.Dr. Henschke, Bishop of Wagga. Hav-ing attained the age of 81 he passedto his eternal reward on the feast ofthe Holy Family, January 11. Hehad been one of the first settlers inthe district, coming North from hishome town, Clare, in 1880. He settledat Hookina in 1882, and therelived until 1936. During his life hewas an exemplary Catholic, and it wasonly to be expected that he shoulddesire to spend his declining yearsclose to the church. He came in tolive in Hawker, and for the last sixyears of his life his day commencedwith Mass and Holy Communion.The lessons of sanctity which heknew so well and practised, he did notfail to impart to his children, andGod blessed his efforts in giving tofive of them vocations. He lived tosee one son raised to the episcopacy,two others Missionaries of the SacredHeart, another a Brother in the sameOrder, and a daughter a Sister of OurLady of the Sacred Heart.His last days were a fitting climaxto a life which had been lived in thecontinual presence of God. With resig-nation to God's holy will he bore hislong illness, and patiently awaited hisfinal summons.Of his eleven children the following members are still alive:—MostRev. F. A. Henschke, D.D., Bishop ofWagga, Rev. Fr. G. Henschke, M.S.C.,Rev. Fr. W. Henschke, M.S.C., Rev.Bro. P. Henschke, Mother M. Concep-ta. May his soul rest in peace.
Birth29 Mar 1864, Bumburnie, Near Clare, SA2641,2642
Death7 Sep 19372641 Age: 73
Marriage26 May 1886, Clarendon, SA2641