Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKOTZUR, Ernst 
Birth2 Oct 1874, Gerogery West, NSW38143,265
Memoreg 1873 Albury, NSW
The Observer (Henty, NSW : 1950 - 1954) Fri 3 Dec 195438145
ME. E. KOTZURThe death occurred at Pleasant Hills on Friday last ofMr. Ernst Kotzur, aged 81years, the last surviving pion-eer of that district. Deceasedwas born at Gerogery on 2ndOctober, 1873, and spent hisboyhood days in the Gerogery,Walla and Alma Park areas,where his parents were pioneerfarmers.In the year 1383 the deceased moved with his parents toPleasant Hills, where theywere the first of the early set-tlers. In 1906 he married MissPauline Anna. Emma Schlenker, of Munyabla, the marriagebeing solemnized by the latePastor Peters in the MunyablaLutheran Church. The unionwas blessed with one son andtwo daughters.The late Mr. Kotzur was always a faithful member of St.John's congregation, Munyabla,and was an example of all god-ly piety. He endured muchsickness and towards the closeof his life, was much distressedwith an affliction of the heartHe is mourned by his -widow,one son, Leslie, and twodaughters, Thelma and Dolly.Burial took place in the Mun-yabla cemetery on Saturdayafternoon, the services at Mun-yabla Church and at the graveside- being conducted by Pastor R. Paech. Mr. E. Coch-rane had charge of the funeralarrangements.
Memoreg 1884 Wagga Wagga, NSW
Death22 Jun 1959265 Age: 73
Marriage1 Nov 1906, St John Lutheran Church, Munyabla, NSW38146,38145
Marr Memore g Albury, NSW