Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSCHROETER, Johanne Elenore 
Memo8 Aug (tombstone)? 7 Aug (newspaper)? 6 Aug (cemetery)?
Burial10 Aug 1945, Nuriootpa, SA39716
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 24 May 194539718
MRS. J. E. LEHMANN, OFNURI, 97 YESTERDAYMrs J. E. Lehmann, Nuriootpa, was 91 yesterday. She isthe eldest of Mr and Mrs G.Schroeter's family of 14, andgrew up in the Lights Pass andStockwell districts. She married Mr Aug. Lehmann in 1872,and helped in the developmentof their vineyard property atNuriootpa. She lost her sightsome years ago, but has a vividrecollection of the early days ofpioneering, which, she believes,yielded more happiness and contentment than people have today. When her son, Gus, wasbereft of his wife, she made herhome there, and now the familycares for her.
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 16 Aug 194539715
OBITUARYMRS. J. E. LEHMANNMrs Johanne Elenore Lehmann,96, of Nuriootpa, died on August7; her husband having passed onabout 15 years ago. She hadspent ail her life in the district andwas a fund of information regarding the pioneerng days. She waseldest daughter of the late Mr andMrs Gottlieb Schroeter's family of14, and was born at Lights Pass onMay 23, 1849. She helped to harvest with the sickle when a girl,and wielded a flail on the threshingfloor. Her reminiscences have appeared in these columns. She was24 when she and Mr Lehmann weremarried by Pastor Reusch at Nuriootpa on July 18, 1872, and theymade their home at Nuriootpa,where they planted a vineyard. Inlater years she made her home withher youngest son, Gus. Others inthe family are Alf., Albert, Lizzieand Julie, Brothers are Messrs W.and H. Schroeter, both of Bute;E. Schroeter, Albury, NSW; andE. Schroeter, Nuriootpa. Sistersinclude Mrs Brokate, Pt. Wakefield; and Mrs Rudloff, Bute.
Birth17 Nov 1842, Bomst, Posen, Prussia5525,39713
Immigration24 Dec 1851, ‘Helene’2604 Age: 9
Death19 Apr 1926, Nuriootpa, SA5525,39713 Age: 83
Marriage18 Jul 1872, St Petri Lutheran Church, Nuriootpa, SA5484,39717