Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePARASIERS, Isidore Henry
Birth14 Feb 1866, Bexley, Kent44179
Immigration1883, ‘Glenfoil’44179 Age: 16
DeathApr 194244179 Age: 76
Recorder (Port Pirie, SA : 1919 - 1954) Mon 20 Apr 1942
Mr. Parasiers Was
Born In Kent
Mr. Isidore Hend
ry Michael Parasiers,who died last week in Pii-ie Hospital andwas interred in Pirie Cemetery, wasnumbered among the pioneers of thistown, where he had lived for the past50 years.He was born on February 14, 1866, atBexley Heath, Kent, England, and leftthe Old Country in 1883 at the age of17 years, sailing for Australia in thesteamer Glenfoil. Four months werespent on the voyage. He made Ms firstAustralian home in East Adelaide, buthe did not remain there long, and camenorth to Pirie.His first position was with StevensonBrothers, of Adelaide, and he laterjoined the bootmaking firm of JohnHunter & Company. He came to thistown as an assistant, and it was not longbefore he became manager of thebranch. When the firm ceased businesshere he started cut on his own account,and went in extensively for the manu-facture of footwear. He specialised in theheavier type of goods, as befitted an in-dustrial centre and seaport.He had a grcwn-up family. There arealive today two sons and a daughterMessrs. Claude and Percy Parasiers andFlorence (Mrs. Clifford). Another son,Roy, was killed in action in the lastwar. Mr. Claude Parasiers is a returnedsoldier. _Long Family HistoryThe Parasiers family has a long history, and one of the late Piriean’sproudest possessions was the family crestinsignia. His grandfather was FeliyJoseph Parasiers, of Belgian extraction.He was Deacon of the Imperial Guardof Brewers, Baron of the Roulon, andKnight of the Golden Fleece of Spain.His grandmother before her marriagewas Lady Mary Ann De Dryver, ofMalines, Belgium.During the Franco-Prussian War Mr.Parasiers' father, I. L. A. Parasiers,migrated to England, where he marrieda Londoner, Miss Lydia Dunford.The "Parasiers family became scatteredall ewer the world. There was a notablereunion in Adelaide on -Christmas Day,1938, when the six remaining membersgreeted one another after a separationof up. to 50 years; There were presentKate (Mrs. A. Drobble, Hyde Park);Emily (Mrs. G. Crowthers, Melbourne),Elizabeth (Mrs. A. Gander, England),Beatrice (Mrs. G. Vesy, Glenelg), MissGertrude' (England), and Isidore (Pirie).Before his admittance to Pirie Hospitalabout a fortnight before his death Mr.Parasiers had been residing for sometime in Simpson street Solomontown.
Birth3 Sep 1866, Adelaide, SA44180
Marriage26 Dec 1892, St Luke Church, Adelaide, SA44183