Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameBERTRAM, Eugen Willibald Hermando 
Birthca 1854
Immigration27 Sep 1879, ‘Chimborazo’4414 Age: 25
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Mon 16 Jan 18884415
TEROWIE, Januaty I4A very large and influential indignation meet-ing was held in the institute to-night to con-sider the removal of Mr. £ W. Bertram, whohas been officer in charge of the police here forseveral years past. It appears that some tworesidents laid charges against Mr. Bertramwhich are reported as trivial, but yesterdayafternoon he received notice by wire to leavehere for HaUett an Wednesday morning nextwithout ever having any opportunity of de-fending himself. The meeting, without asingle dissentient, resolved that a memorial besent to the Attorney-General by next post re-questiing him to use measures to prevent MrBertram's removal or othewise have an enquiryheld. The meeting was very enthusiasticand the memorial largely signed. Mr. J. G.
Bleechmore presided.
Marriage7 Sep 1882, Waterloo, SA4416