The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Tue 24 Dec 1861
46606 MARRIED.
HOLZBERGER—DAVID.—On December 20, by the
Rev. Antalbert Fiedler, St. John's Church, Hahndorf, Mr.
Louis Holzberger, second son of Mr. Theodore Holzberger,
publican, Lobethal, to Catherine Jane David, youngest
daughter of Mr. John David, copper refiner, &c.,
South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1868 - 1881) Sat 28 Aug 1875
Friday, August 20.[Before His Honor Mr. Justice Stow.]HOLZBERGER V HOLZBERGERMr. J. W. Downer for the petitioner.This was a petition by the wife, CatherineJane Holzberger, for a dissolution of themarriage, on the ground of bigamy committedby the husband, Louis Holzberger, of Rhynie,he having married Mary Ann Clegg, of Rhynieon March 29, 1874. The petition set forth thatthe parties were married at Hahndorf on December 20, 1860., that there were three children theissue of the marriage. Several affidavits insupport of the petition were read.His Honor asked why the respondent had notbeen prosecuted for bigamy.Mr. Downer said that he would report thematter to the law officers of the Crown.His Honor said he would report to the FullCourt that the case was proved.