Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLE BRUN, Baron Frederick Charles 
Burial21 Dec 1904, Happy Valley Cemetery, Port Lincoln, SA23815,2354,4189
MemoSection PIONEER CEMETERY-Plot/Grave/Niche 1-2
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 14 Jan 1905
Baron Frederick le Brun,
whose portraitwe give this week, was born in Paris onMay 24, 1827. To escape military servicehe went to America, but was sent back byhis uncle. He, however, was determinedto leave France, and in 1853 he came toAustralia. He was successful at the Bal-larat diggings, and in 1853 he came to SouthAustralia, taking up his residence in thePort Lincoln district. he was found deadin his garden on December 20, 1904, deathhaving resulted from heart disease. Baronle Brun's father was aide-de-camp to Na-poleon and his grandfather was Governorof Genoa.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 14 Jan 1905
DEATH OP A FRENCH BARON.Port Lincoln, January 5.Baron Le Brun was found dead inhis garden on December 20. The causeof death was heart disease. FrederickLe Brun was born in Paris on May 24, 1827.To escape military service he took ship toAmerica, where he had an uncle. On learning the reason of his leaving France, hisuncle sent him back, but he escaped again,and came to Australia, in 1853. He wassuccessful at the Ballarat diggings, andafterwards settled in the Port Lincoln dis-trict in 1858. His father was aide-de-campto Napoleon, and his grandfather Governorof Genoa. He left seven children and 17grandchildren.
Birth5 Mar 1837, Trowbridge, Wiltshire23815
Immigration185823815 Age: 20
Burial7 May 1911, Happy Valley Cemetery, Port Lincoln, SA2354,4189
MemoSection PIONEER CEMETERY-Plot/Grave/Niche 1-2; Elizabeth
Marriage1859, St Thomas The Apostle Church, Port Lincoln, SA23815,47841