Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKOHLHAGEN, August Friedrich Wilhelm
Memore Lockhart, NSW
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Mon 6 Mar 193348516
FuneralsMr. W. KOHLHAGENThe death occurred at his residence."Cloverdale," near The Rock, at anearly hour on Saturday morning of avery old and most highly respected re-sident of The Rock district,, Mr.William Kohhlagen, after a short ill-ness, at the age of 75 years. The lateMr. Kohlhagen was born near Ade-laide, and at an early age, with hisparents, went to the Wimmera dis-trict of Victoria. He arrived in NewSouth Wales in 1895, and first tookup farming land at Culcairn. Hecame The Rock about 33 years ago,and selected his property "Clover-dale" where he engaged in farmingand grazing pursuits successfully un-til his death. Mr. Kohlhagen was verywell known throughout The Rock,Henty, Walla Walla and Wagga dis-tricts and was held in high esteem bya large circle of friends. He is sur-vived by his widow and two daugh-ters, Misses Metha and Emma Kohl-hagen, of "Cloverdale," and sevensons, Messrs. Herman, of CollingullieWilliam, Albert, and Frederick Kohl-hagen of Brucedale, and Ernest, Ar-thur, and Percy Kohlhagen, of TheRock. The funeral took place yester-day afternoon, the long and represen-tative cortege consisting of more than80 motor cars, which moved from hislate residency at 2 o'clock, after anvery impressive service by the Rev.W. C. Reynolds, of The Rock. Inter-ment took place in the Presbyteriancemetery, The Rock, where Mr Rey-nolds officiated. The coffin was car-ried to the grave by Messrs. Herman,Albert, Ernest, Frederick, Arthur,and Percival Kohlhagen (sons), andthe pall bearers were Messrs. JohnFederick, Herman, and Alfred Mey-ers (brothers-in-law), and L. Breenand F Burns. The chief mourners atthe graveside were the widow, sonsand daughters mentioned above, andMrs. Herman Kohlhagen and Mrs.Ernest Kohlhagen (daughters-in-law),Mrs. John Meyers (Collingullie), Mrs.H. Meyers and Miss M. Meyers(Henty), Mrs. D. Fraser (Wodonga)(sisters-in-law), Gordon, Douglas,Bruce, Mona and Joan Kohlhagen(grandchildren), Mr. and Mrs. JohnKohlhagen (Uranquinty ), Mr. andMrs. Henry Kohlhagen (CoIlingullie),Messrs. Harold, Leslie, and ClaudeKohlhagen (nephews), Mervyn, andStanley Meyers (Collingullie) , Mr.aud Mrs. S. Knight (The Rock),Misses Dulcie and Muriel Meyers(nieces), Messrs. Allen and AlfredMeyers (Henty) (nephews), and manyfriends from Wagga, The Rock,Henty, Walla Walla, Uranquinty. BonAccord, Mangoplah, Wodonga, Harefield, Downside, Collingullie, YerongCreek and Sandy Creek. Among themany wreaths was one from the Max-well Tennis Club. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. J. C.McDonald, of Wagga.