Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameWILKSCH, Dulcie Joyce
Birth7 Mar 192048532 Age: 104
FatherWILKSCH, Wilhelm Hermann (1888-1959)
MotherWUTTKE, Sophia Meta (1888-1972)
Albury Banner Wodonga Express and Riverina Stock Journal (NSW : 1941) Fri 10 Jan 194148534


The marriage of Dulcie Joyce, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilksch,
Walla, and Alfred Harold, second son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lord, Walla, was
celebrated at the Lutheran Church,
Walla, on December 24. The bride,
who was given away by her father,
wore a frock of ivory satin and lace,
a tight-fitting bodice, with Peter Pan
collar and self-covered buttons, the
skirt falling into a full flare and
forming a long train. Her tulle veil
was held in place with a halo of
orange blossom, and she carried a
sheaf of water lilies and' gladioli. Mrs.
H. Rocliow, sister of the bridegroom,
was matron of honor, and Miss Edna
Wilksch, sister of the bride, was
bridesmaid. They were frocked alike
in lavender georgette and lace over
taffeta. Pleated tulle veils were held
in place with sprays of lavender, and
they carried sheaves of phlox, carna-
tions and roses. The bridegroom was
attended by Mr. Clem Wilksch and
Mr. Dudley Wilksch, brothors of the
bride. After the ceremony, whicn was
performed by Rev. J. Stolz, a recep-
tion was hold in the Sunday School
hall, where the bride's mother re-
ceived the guests. She wore a frock
of navy satin romaine with navy ac-
cessories, and a shoulder spray or pink
gladioli and fern. Pride of place on
tlier breakfast table was occupied by
awedding cake which was made and
decorated by the bridegroom's sjster,
Mrs. McDonald. The bride's gift to
the bridegroom was a smoker's , stand,
the bridegroom's gift to the bride was
a pearl necklace, to the bridesmaids a
crystal powder bowl and orystal scent
spray, and to the best man a gold
cigarette case, and to the groomsman
a cigarette lighter. The honeymoon
was spent in Melbourne. The bride
chose as her travelling frock navy
and white satin-backed romaine with
navy accessories.
Birth25 Aug 1909, Germanton, NSW48531,48532
FatherLORD, Charles John (1875-1943)
Marriage24 Dec 1941, Lutheran Church, Walla Walla, NSW48533,48534
Marr MemoCulcairn, NSW
Last Modified 19 Mar 2016Created 15 Aug 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
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