Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameFRANCIS, Louisa
Immigration184949264 Age: 14
BurialWilmington, SA49263
FatherFRANCIS, James
Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931) Sat 18 Feb 192849264
Mrs. Louisa Hammat.Mrs. Louisa Hammat, wife of the lateMr. James Hammat, died at the residenceof lier daughter, Mre. E. P. Dignan, atWilmington, on February 10, in her 94thyear. The late Mrs. Hammat was born inCornwall in 1835, and arrived in SouthAustralia with her father, the late Mr.| James Franacis, iu 1849. The latter and hisdaughter settled at the old Barossa Mine,wliere the father worked as a miner. Thedaughter , was in the service of the lateCapt. Hammat and later was married toCapt. Hammat's eon, James. The lateMrs. Hammat and her husband lived atthe Barossa Mine until it closed down,and then removed to Williamstown, wherethey engaged in gardening. After re-maining at Williamstown for a numberof years, the family took up farm land onYorke's Peninsula. The Moonta Minethen attracted the Hammat family, andthey lived at Moonta until 1882, when thelate Mrs. Hammat with her husband wentnorth, and settled at Wilmington. Mr.Hammat took on carting between Wil-mington and Port Augusta for a numberof years. In 1911 he died, and the widowwent to live with her daughters, Mrs. B.Jericho, and Mrs. E. P. Dignan. Therewag a family of 10, of whom four survive.-Messrs. William Hammat (Queensland),Thomas Hammat, and Mrs. E. T. Dignan(Wilmington),- and Mrs. B. JerichoQuorn).
Birth4 Nov 1833, Truro, Cornwall49260
BurialWilliamstown Cemetery, Williamstown, SA49260
Marriage22 Mar 1856, Gawler Plains, SA49266