Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameREINHOLTZ, Juliane Marie Emma 
Birth1 Nov 1832, Röstock, Mecklenburg-Schwerin49279,1224
Immigration9 Aug 1850, ‘Sophie’3435 Age: 17
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tue 2 Mar 191549429
Obituary.THE LATE MRS. PULS.The late Mrs. M. J. Pull, whosedeath on Thursday night was brieflymentioned in Friday's "HorshamTimes," was born at Rostock, Ger-many, on November 1, 1832, and emigrated to Australia in the ship Sophiawith her parerts, in the year 1848.The party landed in Adeldide after afive months' voyage, and settled inMorphet Vale, where the deceased mar-ried her life's partner, the late Mr W.Puls, in 1851, and by whom she waspredeceased by 11 years. The lateMr. and Mrs. Puls spent about 20years in tihe Adelaide district, Mr.Puls following farming, and in 1871they migrated to the Wimmera, settl-ing in the Dooen district, where thefamily held land for the past 41 years.The late Mrs. Puls was of a generousdisposition, and performed many actsof Christian kindness in an unostenta-tious way. She and her husband sawthe development of the district as fewnow living had seen it. They were,among other settlers, original subscri-bers to the '" Horsham Times', a paperof which they had been constant rea-ders to the end of their days. Theissue of the marriage was 14 children,one of whom, an infant girl, died inSouth Australia. The surviving mem-bers of the family are as follow :--Mr.F. Puls, Kronkup, W.A.; Mr. G. Puls,Broughton; Mr. H. Puls, Macorna;Mrs. J. Ahles, Bungalally; Mrs. F.Hartmann, Vectis ; Mr. A. Puls, GreatWestern; Messrs G. and W. Puls,Horsham; Messrs Max, Joseph, andRichard Puls, Melbourne; and Mr. H.and Miss A. Puls, who were living withtheir mother to the last. Deceasedalso leaves 65 grandchildren, and sixgreat great grandchildren. The lateMrs.Puls could vividly recall the timewhen Horsham consisted of about halfa-dozen huts, and when emus, kan-garoos, wallabies, wild turkeys and anoccasional band of aborigines lent pic-turesqle color to the plains, on whichshe was one of the first settlers. Astriking feature of the family relationship was the devotion of the childrento their parent, it being their customto gather from distant places everyyear to be present at the birthdaycelebration. The funeral took placeon Saturday afternoon, moving fromthe residence, Dooen, to the HorshamCemetery. There was a large attend~ance of friends of the family. Sixsons, Henry, Gus, Alfred, William,George, and Joseph, acted as pallbearers, and Pastor Lohe, of Natimuk,read the burial service. The mortu-ary arrangements were in the hands ofMr. W., F. Allan.
Death7 Feb 1904, Horsham, Vic49279,1224 Age: 86
Marriage1 Apr 1851, Morphett Vale, SA11946