Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMOYSES, Albert William James
Residence1935, Wallaroo Mines, SA49537 Age: 63
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 22 Aug 1935
49536 Mr. A. W. J. Moyses
Mr. Albert William James Moyses,
who died recen
tly, removed a widelyknown resident of Wallaroo Mines. Hewas born in North Adelaide in 1872, andthe family subseqently moved to Hallett, where Mr. Moyses, sen., engaged infarming. The deceased, who at firsthelped his father, then obtained em-ployment with the Wallaroo and MoontaMining and Smelting Co., surfaceoperations, and worked there until theliquidation of the company. Later, hewas engaged on the work of broadeningthe railway gauge from Adelaide toKadina. He retired some years ago.In 1899 he married Miss Bertha [t]Semmler, a daughter of the late Mr. andMrs. Semmler, of Freeling. He was azealous member of the Salvation Army,bandsman and guard of the Sundayschool. The widow and five sons sur-vive (Messrs. Charles Moyses, Gladstone; Stanley, Arthurton: and George,Henry and David, Kadina).
Birth10 Jan 1873, Lyndoch Valley, SA49534
Death18 Aug 1954, Northfield, SA3421,49535 Age: 81
Marriage22 Nov 1899, Residence Of A W J Moyes, Kadina, SA49538