Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameDART, Mary Jane 
Immigration1849, ‘Mary Ann’52909 Age: 6
Death30 Jun 1931, ‘White Hill’, Murray Bridge, SA52909,23810 Age: 88
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900) Tue 31 Mar 1868
52911ROWETT - DART. -On the 11th March, by the
Rev. T. Jas
per Smyth, M.A., at the residence ofthe bride's father, Mr. Charles Thos. Rowett, ofKapunda, to Mary Jane Dart, daughter of Mr.John Dart, of Spring Creek, near Marrabel.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 23 Jul 1931
52909MRS. M. J. ROWETT
Mrs. Mary Jane Rowett, who died onJune 30, at "White Hill," MurrayBridge, at the age of 88 years, was acolonist of 82 years. She was born inCornwall, England, in 1843, and arrivedat Port Adelaide in the ship Mary Annwith her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. JohnDart, in 1849. Her parents travelledby bullock dray to Burra, where theymade their home on the bank of theBurra Creek for a time. Later theytook up land near Hamilton. In 1851,when the Victorian gold diggingsstarted, she travelled overland with herparents and brother in a dray. Theyspent about two years at the Goulbourndiggings, and then returned to SouthAustralia. Her father took up land atSpring Creek, near Marrabel, wherethey resided many years. It was thereshe met her future husband, Mr.Charles Rowett. She was married in1868, and lived in the Victoria Hotel,Kapunda, for several years. Mr. andMrs. Rowett farmed at Marrabel twoyears, and in 1875 removed to PointPass Hotel, where her husband died, in1896. She also lived at Eudunda. Sheleaves two sons, Mr. John Rowett, ofMarrabel, and Mr. Richard Rowett, ofPinnaroo, and one daughter, JaneFrench, of Murray Bridge, 28 grandchildren, and 26 great-grandchildren.
Birth28 May 1844, Tywardreath, Cornwall23810
Immigration1847, ‘China’23810 Age: 2
Death19 Jul 1896, Point Pass, SA52908,23810 Age: 52
Marriage11 Mar 1868, Residence Of The Brides Father, Marrabel, SA23810,52910