The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Monday 18 June 1923
POSSELT. — On June 16, 1923, at his late
residence, 85 Victoria-avenue, North Fre-
mantle, Walter (Charles), the dearly beloved
husband of Mary Jane
Posselt, and father
of Mrs. W. Payne, Mrs. A. Cubitt, and bro-
ther of G.
Posselt (Tammin), aged 52 years.
The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950) Wednesday 20 June 1923
The funeral of the late Mr. Kaitan Pos-
selt (Charles), late of Messrs. W. H. Bur-
ford and Sons, and of 85 Victoria-avenue,
North Frcmantle, took place on Monday
afternoon, the 18th instant, and was at
tended by many friends. The deceased
who was 52 years of age, had been a resi-
dent of this State for the last 22 years. A
widow and a grown-up family of two
daughters survive him. The funeral cor-
tege moved from the residence, and pro-
ceeded to tho Fremantle Cemetory, where
the remains were laid to rest in the Church
of England portion. The Rev. G. F. Hum-
phrey officiated at the graveside. The
chief mourners were: Mrs. Posselt (wi-
dow), Mrs. W. Payne, and Mrs. A. Cubitt
(daughters), Messrs. W. Payne and A. Cu-
bitt (sons-in-law), Mr. G. Cinoris (bro-
ther-in-law), Mrs. G. Cinoris (sister-in-
law), Mrs. G. Gassier, and Eileen and
May Possclt (nieces), Messrs. G. Cassley
and Leonard Cinoris (nephews). The pall-
bearers were: Messrs. A. E. Kell, F. Bow-
ering, sen., C. C. Klenk, W. Slatter, A.
Park, and G. Payne. Wreaths wore plac-
ed on the grave by Messrs. W. K. Burford
and Sons, the officers and brethren of the
North Fremantle Lodge, U.A.O.D., rela-
tives, and numerous friends. Communica-
tions expressing sympathy continue to be
received by the bereaved relatives. The
funeral arrangements were carried out by
Messr. Arthur E. Davies and Co., of Fre-
mantle and Claremont.