Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKLEM, Albert August Bernhardt 
Birth16 Sep 1853, Lauchstaedt, Prussia7284
Immigration17 Jan 1857, ‘Malvina Vidal’7284,20891 Age: 3
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 27 Jul 1912
57187The death is announced of Mr. Albert
August Bernhardt Klem
, of Saddleworth.He was born in Germany in 1854, andlanded in South Australia with his parentsin 1857. For a time the family lived atPewsey Vale. When a young man heworked at the Moonta mines as a black-smith, and afterwards followed the pursuitof farming at Warooka, in the lower partof Yorke's Peninsula. Mr. Klem settledin Saddleworth about fifteen years ago.where he engaged in blacksmithing andalso in farming. About two years ago,owing to ill-health, he retired to his farm.He was twice married. The children leftare Messrs. George K!em, of Farrell's Flat;and Charles S. F. Klem, of Saddle-worth: Mrs. Alfred Jamison, of Hill River;and Mrs. Cecil Roberts, of Saddleworth.
Birth31 Mar 1856, Hurtle Vale, SA57188
Death10 Jan 1893, Yorketown, SA57189 Age: 36
Birth28 Apr 1857, Gumeracha, SA7284
Death8 Jul 1940, Saddleworth, SA7284 Age: 83
Marriage1895, Norwood, SA7284