Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMcBAIN, John 
Birth24 Feb 1864, Lake Plains, SA59785
Death16 May 1892, Kaniva, Vic59786 Age: 28
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Fri 20 May 189259786
A sad accident occurred at Kaniva earlyon Monday evening, the victim being JohnMcBain, a farmer living at Yanipy.McBain left Kaniva about 6 o'clock in theevening in charge of a team belonging to hisbrother-in-law, Mr. Donald Robertson, whofollowed him on horseback. Later on in theevening he was found by Robertson andanother man dead on the road about a milefrom Robertson's place. In the meantimethe team had arrived home and Mrs.Robertson, who imagined that her husbandwas in charge of the team, had gone out ina conveyance to look for him. Thedeceased, who when he left Kaniva wasquite sober, must have so fallen off theshafts of the cart that the wheel passed overhis neck. Death had evidently been in-stantaneous. McBain leaves a widow andyoung family.
Birthca 1864
Death26 Nov 1940, Ballarat, Vic43743 Age: 76