Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSTEVENSON, Ann Theresa
Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950) Fri 4 May 1900 59868

A Divorce Case.
In the Supreme Court, Perth, on
Tuesday, before the Chief Justice, the
case came on for hearing of Turvey v.
Turvey, which was a p
etition by Ann
Theresa Turvey for dissolution of mar-
riage with George Turvey, on the
grounds of adultery, desertion, and
cruelty. Mr. N. K. Ewing (instructed
by Messrs. Ewing and Downing) ap-
peared for the petitioner. There was
no-appearance of the respondent.
The following evidence was taken : —
Ann Theresa; Turvey deposed that
she was the petitioner, and was married
at Adelaide on March 15, 1884, to the
respondent. There had been five chil-
dren issue of the marriage. She had
the custody of all her children, and was
supporting them. Respondent left
Adelaide in 1895 for W.A., and
witness. followed in October,' 1896. She
then lived with her husband at Subiaco
for about six months. About two
months after going to Subiaco her hus-
band drew her attention to an adver-
tisement in the paper seeking for some-
one to look after an infant. He sug-
gested that, as they were in struggling
circumstances, witness should take the
child, arid the money for its support
would help them to live. The name of
the advertiser appeared as Mrs Ryan.
Witness saw her, and arranged to take
the child for 10s per week. The child
was only fourteen days old. Witness
had since discovered that the person
who advertised as 'Mrs. Ryan was a
single woman named Mary Lyons. The
woman Lyons frequently came to the
house, and was on friendly terms with
her husband. In consequence of re
ports which she had heard, one night in
July, 1897, she followed her husband,
and found him in the bush near Subia-
co, with the woman Lyons. They were
walking arm-in-arm. As soon as they
saw witness they separated, and went
hurriedly in different .directions. Wit-
ness returned home, and when her
husband came back she taxed him with
infidelity. Subsequently witness heard
that her husband had known Lyons, be
fore witness came to the colony. Wit
ness accused him with being the father
of the child, and he did not deny it.
Respondent then left her, and went to
Kalgoorlie. Witness sent for Lyons- and
told her what she had heard about the
child. Lyons admitted that the respon-
dent was the father of the; child: Wit-
ness then went to Kalgoorlie and started
a boarding house. .For three years she
had had no support 'from her husband.
In August, i899, her husband came to
her place in Kalgoorlie, and wanted to
live with her. She refused to allow him
to' do so. so he struck her in the face
and took out a revolver and threatened
to shoot her.
Corroborative evidence was given,
and a decree nisi, returnable in six
months, was granted.
Birth28 May 1862, Milang, SA59869
MotherDART, Deborah Maria (1835-1920)
Marriage1884, SA59870
Divorce1900, Perth, WA59868
ChildrenEthel Barbara Maud (1884-)
 Myrtle May (1886-)
 Elsie Teresa (1888-)
Last Modified 31 Jul 2017Created 11 Sep 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
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