Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSCHROETER, Johann Carl August 
Birth17 Feb 1857, Light Pass, SA64536
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Sat 3 Oct 192564538
Our Bute conespondent writes:— OnWednesday afternon Mr. J. C. A.Schroeter died at his residence after anillness of about three months. He wasborn at Stockwell, 69 years ago, and spentmost of his early life at Port Wakefield,Yongala, and Maitland. About 40 yearsago, he and bis brother, Mr. A. H.Schroeter removed to Bute, where theyobtained land and traded as SchroeterBrothers. They were successful us farmers, and as horsebreeders became widelyknown, for they exhibited at many shows,and won numerous prizes for their Clydesdale horses. The late , Mr. Schroeterwas a foundation member of the localAgricultural Bureau, and took great interest in all work of that body.