he Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Monday 5 August 1901
Millicent, August 2.
The death of Mrs. Wehl, relict of the
late Dr. E. Wehl, occurred on Wednesday
last. About a month ago the deceased lady
was seized with an apoplectic fit, and though
hopes were entertained that she would re-
cover a serious relapse took place a few
days ago, and she gradually sank. The
late Mrs. Wehl was a colonist of 54 yeara,
having arrived in the State with her bro-
ther (the late Baron "von Mueller) in the
year 1847. For a time she resided at Mac-
clesfield, when, having married, she remov-
ed to Mount Gambier in tihe early fifties,
where for many years her late husband
practised. Leaving there about 20 years
ago, she came with Dr. Wehl to reside in
the Millicent district, where she had lived
ever since. She was of a very kindly dis-
position, and was beloved and respected by
all Who knew her. She leaves a large fam-
ily, all grown up, though only two sons
Mr. F. E. Wehl, the representative of
Dalgety & Co., Millicent, and Mr. W. M.
Wehl and the Misses Wehl (2), of Milli-
cent are now in South Australia. The
funeral took place to-day, when a large con-
course of people assembled to pay their last
respects to one of the oldest and most re-
spected of our residents. The Rev. E. Y.
Simpkinson, M.A., conducted the service.