Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA) Friday 15 July 1921
Information was received at Mount
Gambier yesterday of the death that
day, at Glenelg, of Mr. Fredcrick W.
Kilsby, fourth son of the late Mr.
James Kilsby, of Bentley. His brothers
here left by train this-mornjng for
Adelaide to be present at the funeral.
The deceased was: born near Mount
Gambier 56 years ago. but for many
years had not been a resident of it.
Some 20 or 25 years ago he purchased
Glenmore Estate, near Penola, which,
he afterwards; sold to Mr. Percy Kils-
by. Then he resided for a time at
Mitcham, after which, he purchased
land on the Murray, where he stayed
for some years. He disposed of that,
and for a considerable time was living
at Glenelg where he died. He leaves
a widow (a daughter of the late Mr.
H. Wcbb, of Mount Gambier) and six
surviving children - three girls and
three boys.