Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSCHICK, August Herbert 
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Fri 3 Mar 1950
SCHICK (August Herbert) — Inloving memory of dad. passed awayMarch 3. 1945.A thought for today, but a mem-ory always. — Inserted by Alma andMelva.SCHICK.— In loving memory ofdear father and father-in-law, whopassed away March 3. 1945. — Everremembered. Rex and Von.SCHICK. August Herbert. — In loving memory of my dear father, whopassed away March 3. 1945.— Alwaysremembered by his elder daughterThe Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Wed 4 Apr 1945
Mr. August Herbert Schick, whodied at Adelaide recently, aged 58,was well known at Loxton, wherehe had lived for 35 years. Bornat Tanunda, the second son of thelate Mr. and Mrs. G. A. W. Schick,he became apprenticed to Mr. H.Fix this textMickan. of Cambrai, as a wheelwright and painter, before goingto Loxton in 1910 as a wheelwrightin the employ of Mr. P. R. Roehr.In 1917 he married Miss HelineMarthia Alma Klose, who surviveshim. In 1921 Mr. Schick beganbusiness on his own account atLoxton. Among his many activi-ties were active interests in thelocal show society, racing, footballand golf clubs. He had been amember of the Loxton BowlingClub since its inception. He hasleft a son. Rex, and two daughters,Misses Ivy and Melva Schick.
MemoHelene Martha Alma
Death1978 Age: 83