Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameVAUSE, Lydia 
Birth5 Jan 1855, Gumeracha, SA29808
BurialLake Terrace Cemetery, Mount Gambier, SA70568
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Wed 1 Feb 193370567
Death Of Mrs. L. BirdThe death has occurred at MountGambier of Mrs. Lydia Bird, of Sut-tontown road, Rosaville, after an ill-ness of only a few days. She wasa daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Vause, of West Haddon, Tor-rensdale, and was born at Gumeracha78 years ago. She was married at St.Andrew's Church. Mount Gambier, in1878, to Mr. Thomas Bird. Her chiefinterests, apart from her home, werethe Methodist Church and the LiberalFederation. A family of three sonsand five daughters survives her.Namely Messrs. Thomas Bird, ofMount Gambier; W. J. Bird, of AliceSprings and G. H. Bird of Tantanoola,Mesdames Long, of Yahl; C. Matthews, of Perth; S. Norman, of MountGambier; W. Beckman, of Port Noarlunga, and Miss A. Bird, of MountGambier.
Birthca 1849
BurialMitcham General Cemetery, Mitcham, SA70564
Marriage1 Oct 1878, Residence Of Thomas Vause, Mount Gambier, SA70569