Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Friday 16 November 1923
The death of Mr. Robert Steel
occurred on Monday last at his resi-
dence, Leonora, W.A. He was born at
Balhannah, S.A., in 1855, and came to
Mount Gambier at the age of seven
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie-
son Steel. He spent the early part of
his life as a farmer in the South-East,
but in 1893 he left for the Western
Australian goldfields. About three
years ago, however, Mr. Steel had a
severe illness, from the effects of which
he never really recovered. About
March he visited his relatives at Mount
Gambier, and left for the West about
three weeks ago. He died from a chill
contracted on the journey. Mr. Steel
had reached his 68th year. He leaves
a widow (nee Miss Hannah Night),
three sons, and a brother and sister
(Mr. Jamieson Steel and Mrs. J.