The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Tuesday 13 December 1932
Mr. Jurgen Heinrich Matthiessen died
at Moculta at the age of 96 yean. He
was born at Osterdeichtrich, Kirchpiel,
in Holstein (Germany), on May 10,
1836, and learnt the tailoring trade
there. In 1863 he married Miss Zis
mer, wtio died in 1870, and two years
later he married Miss Johns, of Schles
wig. He came to Australia in 1876,
in the HerschelL, accompanied by his
wife and two children, landing In this
State in 1878, after being IS months
on the water. The eldest son's death
occurred on the way out. The family
settled at Lyndoch for 15 years, and
then moved to Moculta, where in 1908
Mrs. Mathiessen died. Mr. Matthies
sen then went to live with his son
at Eudunda, and after 10 years re
turned to Moculta to live with nis
daughter (Mrs. F. Geister), at whose
residence he died after a short illness.
He leaves three daughters—Mrs. W.
Kroschel (Notts Well), Mis. W. Schulz
rica Valley), and Mrs. F. Geister
(Moculta): and one son, Johannes
(Sandalwood). There are 17 grand
children and four great-grandchildren.