Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLOECHEL, Theodore Alfred Carl 
Death22 Jul 1949, Naracoorte, SA7052,7053 Age: 64
The Narracoorte Herald (SA : 1875 - 1954) Thu 4 Aug 1949
7053 PASSING OF MR. T. A. C.
It pleased God, th
e Lord of life anddeath, to call from this Vale of tearsthe soul of C. A. C. Loechel, who diedin hospital in the early hours of July 22.He was horn at Milendella, S.A., 64years ago. Soon after his birth he wasbaptised in the name of the triune God.After due instruction in the one thingneedful, he was confirmed at the ageof 14 years in the Lutheran Church atMilendella, and later was united inholy wedlock to Miss Elsie Julia Haines,of Mannum. Seven children issuedfrom this happy union, comprising threesons and four daughters—Messrs. Perce,Cecil and Jeff (all of Luclndale), andMesdames Foster (Glenroy), Ferguson,Plummer and Gould, the latter three ofLucindale.In 1914 the departed, together withhis young wife, came, to reside at Hynam.He was a successful farmer there. Hesold his farm at Hynam in 1936 andmoved to Lucindale, where he boughtan undeveloped block and built a com-fortable home for himself and family.The undeveloped block was soon clearedand put into production. To see theplace today is proof of the fact that hewas a hard worker and also methodicalin his work. He made a success ofwhatever he undertook. He was agood neighbour and ready at all timesto help anyone who was in need of help.Deceased had one son in the armedforces.For some years he had not been en-joying the best of health. He was afaithful member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church.The late Mr. Loechel leaves a sorrow-ing widow, three sons and four daugh-ters, 15 grandchildren, three daughtersIn-law, and four sons-in-law, severalbrothers and sisters, and a host offriends to mourn their loss.There was a very large funeral, friendsattending from as far afield as Milen-della. The last rites were performedby Rev. J. F. Hansen, and Mr. A. F.Giddings carried out the mortuary ar-rangements.
Birth29 Sep 1892, Milendella, SA7054,7052
Death24 Jun 1966, Naracoorte, SA7052 Age: 73
Marriage23 Feb 1911, Lutheran Church, Milendella, SA7055