Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918) Saturday 5 May 1900
The numerous friends of Mr. Joel Hor-
wood, J.P., the head of the old established
firm of Horwood and Sons, ironfounders, will
regret to learn of his death, which took place
at his late residence, "Glendure House," about
6 o'clock last evening. The deceased gentle-
man had long been a prominent figure in the
commercial world, and was well-known and
highly respected throughout this and the
neighboring colonies. For some time past,
however, he had been in indifferent health,
and about seven or eight weeks ago he was
compelled to take to his bed. Dr. Gaffney
was in constant attendance on him, while
Drs. Atkinson and Peebles were called in in
consultation. The patient on several occa-
sions appeared to be at death's door, but his
splendid constitution stood him in good stead,
and he rallied again, and lingered on week
after week. Several members of the family
were summoned to Bendigo during his ill-
ness. During the past few days it was ap-
parent that the end was near, and the patient
passed away peacefully last evening, the
cause of death being pernicious and progres-
sive anæmia. The deceased gentleman
leaves a widow and grown up family, for
whom much sympathy is expressed in their
sad bereavement. His eldest son, Mr. Chas.
K. Horwood, is residing at Wagga Wagga,
New South Wales, while his eldest daughter,
Mrs. Ramsay, widow of the late Mr. J. G.
Ramsay, resides in South Australia. Of his
other sons, Mr. E. J. Horwood is on a trip
to England, while Mr. J. H. Horwood is in
India, Mr. A. Horwood is travelling, and Mr.
Frank B. Horwood is at present in South
America. Two unmarried daughters, the
Misses E. A. and Ivy Horwood, and two sons,
Messrs. N. C. and S. C. Horwood, are living
at home.
The funeral takes place at 3 o'clock to-
morrow, the interment being in the Bendigo
Mr. Horwood was amongst those sturdy
pioneers whose indomitable energy and pluck
assisted largely to build up the city, and as he
has taken a prominent part in developing
more than one of his leading industries since
the year 1856, when the deceased gentleman
first landed here, he will leave a noticeable
gap in the ranks of our better known com-
mercial men. He was born in Oldham, Lan-
cashire, in the year 1832, and was, therefore,
68 years of age. Mr. Horwood's father owned
a foundry in Lancashire, the
home of engineering and gigantic ma-
chinery works, and it was natural that the
boy's inclination turned that way. Therefore
as soon as he left school he was taken into
his father's business, and of course was pro-
vided with the best knowledge as to engineer-
ing and foundry work that was procurable,
and in the brief time which intervened prior
to his sailing for Australia, with his father.
In 1848 the family sailed for Adelaide in the
barque Barboo, and immediately upon their ar-
rival at the South Australian capital, which
was then practically in its infancy, the father
established a foundry. After gaining further
trade experience in Adelaide, Mr. Joel Hor-
wood decided to try his fortunes on the gold-
fields of Victoria, and in 1851 he sailed for
Melbourne, and made his way thence to Forest
Creek. In that locality he followed the ad-
venturous life of the digger of the early days
for about six months, when he returned to
Adelaide, and served for another brief period
in his father's business. In May, 1856, he
came to Bendigo, and immediately laid the
foundation of the business in Vine-street,
which was subsequently destined to assume
such extensive dimensions. That the business
was not started on a large scale may be
gathered from the fact that the staff consis-
ted of one carpenter and pattern-maker, and
work was in full swing 48 hours after Mr. Hor-
wood and his "staff" stepped off Cobb and
Co.'s coach. The place was then on the edge
of the township, and was so honeycombed
around by diggers' holes that the men could
not venture out after dark without a lantern,
lest they should become engulfed. Having
built a small two-roomed residence, and put
up a more commodious shop, the staff was
increased to six, and the establishment was
then regarded as one of the institutions of
which the district might well be
proud. The city advanced by leaps
and bounds, but Mr. Horwood
always seemed determined that the establish-
ment should be amongst its most conspicuous
features and its development and growth
were in keeping with its surroundings. The
firm soon obtained a great name for supply-
ing mining machinery, and the advance of
that industry greatly assisted the proprietary
to establish business on so large a basis. A
good deal of work was also done for the Rail-
way department, several locomotive appli-
ances having been turned out by the firm.
The deceased gentleman had a natural apti-
tude for farming and grazing pursuits, and in
the early sixties he acquired considerable
farming property in the Bridgewater dis-
trict. This was added to by degrees, until
Mr. Horwood became possessed of
the whole of the property known
as Bridgewater Park. At first the
property was devoted entirely to farming
pursuits, but afterwards the owner decided
to turn his attention to raising prize stock
of different sorts. He imported some splen-
did shorthorn cattle, and was also successful
in raising Clydesdale horses and Lincoln
sheep. Mr. Horwood was such a successful
exhibitor at the shows of the different capi-
tals of Australia that at one time his name
was more intimately associated with the rais-
ing of prize stocks than with any other pur-
suit. About 12 years ago he parted with
Bridgewater Park and its illustrious stock,
and some of the prices realised formost a
striking indication of the opinion in which
the latter was held amongst breeders. The
deceased gentleman was identified with min-
ing in its various branches. He was the
founder of the Horwood's Freehold, a claim
which was started right in the centre of his
foundry. Thinking that there might be gold
underneath, Mr. Horwood put down a shaft
in 1874, and shortly after he floated the com-
pany in 24,000 shares of £1 each, himself re-
taining half the shares, and the right to a
royalty of 3 per cent. The venture turned out
a most successful one, and in about three
years' time it realised in shares sold, divi-
dends and royalty, the sum of £30,000. Mr.
Horwood never evinced any desire for public
life, his only move in this direction being to
take a seat in the Marong Council. This was
many years ago, and during the nine years he
held the position he was twice elected presi-
dent, and was appointed a justice of the
Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918) Monday 7 May 1900
The obsequies in connection with the death
of the late Mr. Joel Horwood were observed
yesterday, the remains of the deceased gentle-
man being interred in the Bendigo Cemetery.
There was abundant evidence of the high respect
in which the departed citizen was held. The
funeral cortege was a very lengthy one, includ-
ing a great many leading and representative
residents, some of whom journeyed from other
centres to pay their last tribute of respect to
the dead. The coffin was of beautifully polished
oak, with silver mountings, and was covered with
wreaths. Two vehicles laden with floral tributes
followed. The mourners occupied two coaches.
The first one contained Messrs. Norman and
Stanley Horwood, sons of the late Mr. Horwood,
Mr. J. W. Horwood, of Melbourne, brother of
the deceased; Mr Percy Horwood, nephew of
the deceased; Sir John McIntyre. M.L.A., and
Mr. Thompson Moore. In the second vehicle
were the mayor of Bendigo (Mr. S. H.
McGowan), Dr. Burke Gaffney, Mr. Williamson
(Ballarat), Mr. T. Calder. (Maldon), and Mr. J.
R. Carr. Amongst the visitors was Mr. Jos.
Woolf, barrister, of Melbourne. In front of
the hearse marched the employes of the firm
of Messrs. Horwood and Sons, and in their
ranks were Mr. J. H. McColl, Minister of Lands,
and Mr. Taylor Horsfield, both former employes.
The length of the funeral procession may be
gathered from the fact that when the hearse
reached the Mitchell-street railway bridge the
last of the vehicles had not turned Bath Cor-
ner. Included amongst the Bendigo citizens,
present were:—Messrs. J. H. Abbott and Jos.
Sternberg, Ms.L.C., W. C. Vahland, A. Roberts,
W. A. Hamilton, M.L.A., Dr. Atkinson, Mr. G.
Claridge, T. N. Woodward, H. Piper, H.
Y. North, W. Roberts, A. Harkness,
Millett, G. D. Watson, Dr. Hugh
Boyd, J. R. Hoskins, G. Mackay, R.
O. Henderson, E. W. Kirby, A. Mackay, C.
Cohen, J. H. Craig, W. D. C. Denovan, L. A.
Samuels, Nicholls, M. Cohn, I. E. Dyason, A.
Bayne, A. Bush, G. Hands, J. Norris, J. Rob-
shaw, and many other well-known residents. The
pall bearers were Mr. J. H. McColl, Drs. Burke
Gaffney and J. McIntyre Eadie, Sir John
McIntyre, Rev. R. Lewers and Pastor Ley-
poldt. The Rev. R. C. N. Kelly, M.A., offi-
ciated at the grave, reading the beautiful ser-
vice of the Church of England. A large num-
ber of the public gathered around the grave
as the last solemn rites were performed. The
expressions of sympathy for the bereaved were
sincere and oft repeated.
The mortuary arrangements were well carried
out by Mr. W. Sayer.