Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGREISER (JANOT), Johanne Juliane 
Birth21 Feb 1840, Posen, Prussia4697
Immigration17 Aug 1856, ‘August’172 Age: 16
Death3 Aug 1931, Mount Gambier, SA7819 Age: 91
Advertiser and Register (Adelaide, SA : 1931) Tue 11 Aug 1931
7819 One of Mount Gambler's earliest set-
tlers, Mrs. Jo
hanna Juliana Kannen-berg, wile of the late Mr. Carl Kannen-berg, died at Square Mile at the ageof 91. Born at Benschen, Prussia, in1840, she migrated to Australia withher parents, and landed at Adelaide in1848. She first lived in the Lyndochand Rowland Fiats districts, where shemarried. Several years later she tra-velled overland to Mount Gambier withher husband. They spent most of theirlives at Square Mile, Mr. Kannenberghaving died 27 years ago. The following family survives:—Messrs. J. H.Kannenberg (of Hamilton), E. E. A.Kannenberg (Mborak), B. Kannenberg(Gambier East), Mesdames J. H. Buck(Moorak), J. Greenberger (SquareMile), and J. H. Schuller (of Nihl).Three children predeceased her. Thereare 16 grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren.
Birth22 Sep 1833, Konigsmuhl, Prussia4697
Immigration16 Oct 1837, ‘Solway’4697 Age: 4
Death24 Dec 1904, Mount Gambier, SA4697 Age: 71
Marriage14 Feb 1857, Residence Of Friedrich Wallsthlager, Lyndoch Valley, SA7820