Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameOLSEN, Joseph
Birth1849, Sweden84213
DeathJul 1934, Port Lincoln, SA84213 Age: 85
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 19 Jul 193484213

Mr. Joseph Olsen
Mr. Joseph Olsen, who died at his
home, Forbes street. Port Lincoln, re
cently, was born in Sweden in 1849. He
came to Australia whew a boy, and
farmed at Mannum, where he married
the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. T. Steicke. Mr. Olsen later went
to White's River share farming with
the late Dr. Kimmott. In 1906 he took
up land at Edillilie, where he was an
active worker for the hall and district.
He was a member of the hall trust, and
a warden of the Church of England. In
1917 he moved to Kyancutta, he and his
sons carrying on farming both at Edil-
lilie and Kyancutta until 1930. when
Mr. Olsen sold his farm at Edillilie and
retired to Port Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs.
Olsen celebrated their golden wedding
in 1932. He left a widow, five sons, and
five daughters, 26 grandchildren, and
one great-grandchild. The children are
Messrs. J. F. W., A. J., F. A., and T. A.
Olsen, of Kyancutta; C. J. H. Olsen
(Adelaide), Mrs. D. Collins (Adelaide).
Mrs. H. A. L. Brown (Mile-End). Mrs.
J. K. McVicar (Port Lincoln). Mrs. E.
E. Elefsen (Minnipa), and Miss Nora
Olsen (Port Lincoln).
Birth3 Jun 1860, Blumberg, SA84211
Death1948, SA84212 Age: 87
FatherSTEICKE, Johann Traugott (1835-1910)
MotherBRUNZEL, Johanne Louise (ca1839-1880)
Marriage1882, SA84214
ChildrenJohanne Louisa (1883-1890)
 Augusta Adeline (1885-)
 Martha Sophie (1887-1890)
 Alfred Joseph (1894-)
 Blondina Hedwig (1895-)
 Franz Alfred (1897-)
 Eveline Emma (1898-)
 Theodor Adolf (1902-)
 Pauline Nora (1908-)
Last Modified 18 Nov 2017Created 11 Sep 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
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