Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameOLSEN, Joseph 
DeathJul 1934, Port Lincoln, SA84587 Age: 85
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 19 Jul 1934
84587 Mr. Joseph Olsen
Mr. Joseph Olsen, who died at his
home, Forbes street. Port Lincoln, re
cently, was
born in Sweden in 1849. Hecame to Australia whew a boy, andfarmed at Mannum, where he marriedthe eldest daughter of the late Mr. andMrs. T. Steicke. Mr. Olsen later wentto White's River share farming withthe late Dr. Kimmott. In 1906 he tookup land at Edillilie, where he was anactive worker for the hall and district.He was a member of the hall trust, anda warden of the Church of England. In1917 he moved to Kyancutta, he and hissons carrying on farming both at Edil-lilie and Kyancutta until 1930. whenMr. Olsen sold his farm at Edillilie andretired to Port Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs.Olsen celebrated their golden weddingin 1932. He left a widow, five sons, andfive daughters, 26 grandchildren, andone great-grandchild. The children areMessrs. J. F. W., A. J., F. A., and T. A.Olsen, of Kyancutta; C. J. H. Olsen(Adelaide), Mrs. D. Collins (Adelaide).Mrs. H. A. L. Brown (Mile-End). Mrs.J. K. McVicar (Port Lincoln). Mrs. E.E. Elefsen (Minnipa), and Miss NoraOlsen (Port Lincoln).
Birth3 Jun 1860, Blumberg, SA84585
Death1948, SA84586 Age: 87