Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCOUZNER, Stephen Richard
Birth31 Jul 1857, Cockatoo Valley, SA46742,34800,84313
MemoCOUSNER, Sandy Creek
Death14 Aug 1943, Jamestown, SA46742,84314,84313 Age: 86
FatherCOUZNER, Stephen (1827-1884)
MotherNOBBS, Martha (ca1833-1862)
Laura Standard and Crystal Brook Courier (SA : 1917 - 1948) Fri 20 Aug 194384313

The Late Mr. S. R. Couzner.

The death of Mr. Stephen Richard
Couzner, which occurred at James
town on Sunday last removes another
of the old and respected residents of
Jamestown and district. He was born
at Sandy Creek, near Gawler, 90 years
ago. The greater part of his educa
tion was gained by private tuition.
After leaving Sandy Creek he worked
at Yarcowie for some years and there
in 1874 he married Miss Jane Talbot,
second daughter of the late Henry
and Charlotte Talbot, and settled on
land at Wirrabara. In 1890 he se-
cured land at Bundaleer where he
farmed for some years. Whilst in the
Spalding district he served as a Coun-
cillor and was Special Constable in
Spalding prior to a police officer be-
ing stationed there. On giving up
farming Mr. Couzuer managed pro-
perties for the Mr. Gordon Sanders
and Mr. J. Staker at Quorn. During
his early days he worked at Bunda-
leer for the late John Maslin, and
when the properties were divided be-
tween the two sons, Mr. Couzner con-
tinued with Mr. George Maslin. Thirty
years ago they came to Jamestown to
reside. Mrs. Couzner died in 1936.
There was a family of fourteen, ten
of whom survive, viz., Mesdames W.
Hardacre (Port Pirie), Jas. Rosser
(Gladstone), T. Clerk (Salisbury), and
D. Williams (Jamestown), and Messrs
Fred, George, William and P. C.
(Jamestown), James (Gumbowie) and
Charlie (Port Pirie). Deep sympathy
is extended to the family in their
Birth15 Feb 1859, Melrose, SA46742,84315,4758,84316
Death21 Mar 1935, Jamestown, SA46742,84317,84315 Age: 76
FatherTALBOT, Henry (ca1821-1912)
MotherHOBBS, Susannah (1825-1911)
Marriage10 Oct 1878, Appila Yarrowie, SA46742
ChildrenHenry Alfred (1880-1954)
 Stephen George (1881-1964)
 Charlotte Ann (1884-1941)
 Florence Annie (1885-1961)
 John James (Twin) (1888-)
 Elsie Maud (Twin) (1888-1954)
 William Edward (1890-1963)
 Lilian May (1892-1958)
 Elizabeth Agnes (1894-1974)
 Benjamin Thomas (1896-1897)
 Andrew Charles (1899-1949)
 Percy Cyril (1901-1979)
Last Modified 5 Jun 2016Created 15 Aug 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
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