Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMOEBUS, Frederick Paul 
The Producer (Balaklava, SA : 1940 - 1950) Thu 22 Sep 1949
85060 LAT
E MR. MOEBUSWAS OLD CALTOWIE RESIDENTMr. Frederick Paul Moebus, ofWatchman, who died suddenly at hishome on September 9, was bom atLights Pass, near Kapunda, in 1884.When a boy of 5 years he travel-led by bullock waggon and on horse-back to Caltowie with his parentswho afterwards lived at Stone Hut.He first worked at Wirrabara andthen in the Bundaleer saw mills for16 years.At the Outbreak of World War Ihe joined the colors and his threeyears' in the services included active service with the 5th Pioneers inFrance.In 1922 he married Miss Emily Bur-ford, daughter of well-known res-idents of Jamestown, and lived atBundaleer until an accident at workcaused the loss of sight of one eye.He later took up farming at Watchman where he had lived for the past23 years.He was a great sportsman withcricket and tennis being his favoritepastimes and was secretary of theWatchman Tennis Club for a number of years and also a member ofthe Watchman Hall Committee, being treasurer and minute secretaryat the time of his death.As a member of the VDC duringWorld War II he was for a time incamp at Sandy Creek, near Gawler.Mr. Moebus was also a member ofthe Masonic Lodge.In addition to his widow, heleaves four children—Leila (Mrs.C. Brown) of Sandilands, Rae, Rye-land and Keith—and two grandchildren.Mr. Moebus was interred in theBalaklava Cemetery, Rev. B. S.Howland officiating at the graveside.