Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameEINSPORN, Johann Wilhelm
Birth1823, Schmollen, Silesia, Prussia
Death21 Apr 1878, Jan Juc, Vic7781,86349 Age: 55
BurialFreshwater Creek, Vic7781
Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1857 - 1918) Wednesday 24 April 187886349

Information was brought into Geelong
yesterday morning to the effect that the
dead body of a farmer named "William
Einsporn, a German, had been found on a
bush road leading through the property
of Mr A. "White, at Freshwater Greek. It
appears that the deceased, who was a
well-to-do agriculturist, residing close to
Spring Creek, left his home on Saturday
morning last for the purpose of transact-
ing some business in Geelong. He was
seen in town by several of his friends,
and from what we can gather he started
for home pretty late in the evening.
The deceased seems to have lingered on
the road in an unaccountable way, for on
Sunday evening about six o'clock he
was seen driving a horse and spring
cart in the direction of Spring
Creek, but he was only eight or nine
miles away from Geelong. At the time
mentioned his horse was observed to be
fractious, the animal refusing to go
straight, along the road. The persons
who saw him noticed that he was under
the influence of liquor, and after turn
ing the horse towards the deceased's re
sidence they left him. Soon afterwards
Einsporn was seen driving his horse along
the bush track, a very dangerous one in
deed, at a furious pace. • On Easter Mon
day morning the horse belonging to the
deceased arrived at the house of a farmer
named Pohlk, at Spring Creek, the ani-
mal having a portion of the harness at
tached to it, but without the cart. The
deceased's family were communicated
with, and as fears were entertained
for Einsporn's safety, a search party
was organised, and the bush tho
roughly searched. The dead body of
the deceased, cold and stiff, was found
on the roadside. There was a deep cut
on the unfortunate man's forehead,
and his nose was broken. A few yards
further on the spring-cart was found,
turned over on its side, and a mark as if
caused by one of the wheels of the cart
was discovered on the bark of a tree, lead
ing to the belief that the cart had been
driven against the tree, and thus upset.
The place where the accident occurred
was on the Grass Tree Plains, eighteen
miles from Geelong, and a consider
able distance from the deceased's home.
The body of Einsporn was conveyed
to his late residence, and yesterday
afternoon, Mr Heron, the Police Magis-
trate for this district, held a magis
terial enquiry there, when the foregoing
facts were elicited. Dr. "Wyer made a
superficial examination of the body, and
he was of opinion that death had been
caused by rupture of the cervical liga-
ment at the back of the neck, hut at the
same time the doctor thought that the
gash on the deceased's forehead, added to
the cold, which must have been intense on
Sunday night, and to which the deceased
must have been exposed, was sufficient to
cause death. The Police Magistrate found
that death was accidentally caused by the.
upsetting of the spring-cart. ' The unfor-
tunate man, who was 55 years of age, was
of intemperate habits. A similar accident
to that which has deprived him of life oc
curred to him some time ago. The de
ceased, who was well known in Geelong
and the district in which he resided, has
left a wife and family. Some years ago
he was fined, at the instance of the police,
for having an illicit still in his possession.
Death1 Nov 1885, Jan Juc, Vic Age: 65
ChildrenCarl Wilhelm (1846-)
 Johann Heinrich (1850-1914)
 Johanna Caroline (1853-1936)
 Ann Louisa (1862-)
Last Modified 20 Jul 2014Created 11 Sep 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh
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