Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameFIDOCK, Richard Henry 
Birthca 1864
Burial7 Jan 1941, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA28505,425,88928
MemoSection: Road 1 South-Path Number: 7-E/W/-Count: E-Site Number: 23
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Tue 7 Jan 1941
88928 FIDOCK. — On the 6th of January, at his re
sidence. 82 Charles street, Unley, Ric
hardHenry, beloved husband of the late EmilyFidock. and loving father of Emily, Syd,Daisy, Lena, Harry, Frank. Greta, and thelate Winnie, Aged 77 years. Peacefully sleeping.
FIDOCK.— THE FRIENDS of the late Mr.RICHARD HENRY FIDOCK are respect-fully informed that his Funeral will leave hislate residence, 32 Charles street. Unley. onTUESDAY, at 2.15 p.m.. for the West terrace.Cemetery.
Birthca 1864
Burial26 Mar 1917, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA28505,425
MemoSection: Road 1 South-Path Number: 7-E/W/-Count: E-Site Number: 23