Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Tuesday 10 April 1934
The friends of Mrs. Margaret Mc-
Bride, wife of Mr. A. H. McBride will,
regret to learn that she passed away
on Wednesday evening last, after a
long and painful illness which she
bore with great patience and courage.
Mrs. McBride was a daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hunter, of
Belalie East, in the lower north of
this State, and she was born in Clare
68 years ago.
She received her early education at
Miss Hawker's school at Clare, and
later at the Belalie East public school.
In 1884 she was married in Mt. Gam-
bier to Mr. A. H. McBride, and since
then she has resided with her husband
at Tantanoola, Burrungull, and Joanna
(near Narracoorte). Leaving Joanna
they returned to Mount Gambier,
where she resided until her death.
Her last home was in Queen's Avenue,
off Penola road. Being the mother of
a large family she did not have much
spare time for outside pursuits, but
when she could she assisted in any
movement for the good of the Liberal
Federation, a political society in which
her husband was keenly interested,
and was at one time a successful
organiser. She had a family of nine—
six daughters and three sons. The
daughters are Mesdames W. F. Koop,
Glencoe; L. McInnes, Narracoorte; J.
Waters, Renmark; and Misses Jean
and Kitty McBride, Mount Gambier.
The sons are Messrs. Angus E. Mc-
Bride, of Terowie; Allan McBride
(Queensland), and Lindsay G.Mc-
Bride, Mount Gambier.