Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameWATSON, Henry George 
BurialKarrakatta, WA96761
The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950) Wed 5 Sep 1934
96761WATSON.— The Friends of the late Mr.
Argyle, and of 41 Weld-street, Claremont.
dearly beloved husband of
Caroline, lovingfather of Amy (Mrs. G. Rudd, Argyle),fond brother of Edith (Fremantle). Fatherin-law of George Rudd and grandfather ofHarry, are respectfully informed that hisremains will be interred in the Methodist;Cemetery, Karrakatta. TOMORROW(Thursday) AFTERNOON. at 4 o'clock.The Funeral is appointed to leave his lateresidence, 41 Weld-street, Claremont, at3.45 o'clock. Friends wishing to attend theFuneral may proceed by the 3.45 o'clocktrain from Perth and the 3.30 o'clocktrain from Fremantle.PROSSER, SCOTT and CO. LTD., Under-takers, Subiaco, Leederville, Fremantle, Cottesloe. Telephones B3680, B3399, FM2682,F1066.
Birth27 Mar 1863, Richmond, Vic25181
Death5 Sep 1937, Donnybrook, WA25182,25183 Age: 74
BurialKarrakatta, WA25182
Marriage29 Aug 1888, Adelaide, SA25182