Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Wed 24 Mar 1937
101955 MR. R. BOURNE
The death occurred in Welwyn Pri
vate Hospital, at a late h
our lastnight, of Mr. Robert Bourne, of 'Oak-leigh,' Collingullie, at the age of 75years. He leaves three sons andthree- daughters. His wife diedin July of last year. Arrangementswill be made for the burial to takeplace in the Wagga cemetery to-morrow.
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Thu 25 Mar 1937
101956 MR. R. BOURNE
The death occurred early yesterday
morning in a private hospital in
Wagga of Mr. Robert Bourne, of
"Oakleigh," Collingullie, after a short
illness at the age of 75 years. Mr.
Bourne was born at Plymouth, Eng-land, and was a son of the late Mr.and Mrs. William Bourne, of SouthAustralia. He arrived in Australiawith his parepts when about 17 yearsof age. He came to New South Walesand settled near The Rock about 42years ago. Mr. Bourne married MissJean Snodgrass, who predeceased himabout a year ago. She was a daughterof the late Mr. and Mrs. James Snod-grass, of "Summerlea," Sandy Creek.He leaves three sons and three daugh-ters, Messrs. William James Stanley,of Gumly; Edward Twopeny, andRobert Alan, both of Collingullie;Mrs. George Lawrence, of Junee; Mrs.Leslie Morrow, of Collingullie, andMrs. Sidney Taylor, of Collingullie;also 30 grandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. He is also survived byone brother, Mr. F. T. Bourne, ofAshfield, Sydney; and three sisters,Mrs. E. Twopeny, Mrs. J. Julian, andMrs. Jacob, all of Adelaide. One bro-ther, William John, and a sister, Mrs.Hancock, predeceased him, as also didone daughter, Ethel. Mr. Bournetook great interest in the affairs ofhis church and was a keen follower ofvarious sportlng activities. He fol-lowed farming and grazing pursuits,and was highly esteemed by a widecircle of relatives and friends whowere acquainted with his kind andthoughtful actions. The funeral isappointed to leave St. Andrew's Pres-byterian Church, Wagga, at 3 o'clockthis afternoon for the Wagga ceme-tery, after a service beginning at 2.45