Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSANDOW, George 
Birth31 May 1845, St Ives, Cornwall103839
Burial23 May 1914, Hahndorf, SA103839
Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940) Fri 19 Jun 1914
ORGE SANDOW.The Grunthal Church and district,and the orchardists of South Australia,have suffered a great loss through thedeath of Mr. George Sandow, which occurredon Thursday, May 21, as theresult of an accident which took placeon the previous day. He was born atSt. Ives, Cornwall, on May 31, 1845,and was therefore within a few days orhis sixty-ninth birthday. His parentswere earnest Christian people. At theage of twenty-one he cam5 to Adelaide,where for a few years he worked at histrade as a -cabinetmaker. While thusengaged he assisted in fitting up theGeneral Post Office. The gold diggingsin New South Wales attracted him andhe remained for about twelve months.Soon after his return to this State Mr.Sandow went to Moonta and worked forMr. Coltman, a cabinetmaker. He wasthere for several years, and was a tenorsinger in the Moonta Wesleyan-Methodistchoir. His next home was at Kad,ina,where he opened a furnishingbusiness. At this period (1870) he marriedMiss Gray, a daughter of the lateWilliam Gray, of Moonta Mines, andhis wife surviveĀ® him. Believing therewere better opportunities in the otherStates Mr. Sandow went for a fewyears to .New South Wales and Victoria,where lie acted as a builder andcontractor. Later he was in the sameline of business in Adelaide. About 25 .years ago Mr. Sandow went to Grunthal.There he planted a fine orchard,and for the past quarter of a centuryhas been well known and highly esteemedas a leading and progressingorchardist. He was one of the first toadopt the present spraying process toreduce the ravages of the codlin moth,and did very much to encourage othersto take it up. In a conversation withthe writer he said that it meant thateither the codlin moth would clear himout or he must get rid of the pest. Hesucceeded to such an extent that onlya very small percentage of the fruit ofhis orchard was affected by the moth.He was an enthusiastic. exporter offruit to the English markets. From hisearly years Mr. Sandow was a memberof the Methodist Church. For a longperiod he had been a trustee of theGrunthal Church, of which he was thetreasurer. Mr. Sandow was a man ofretiring disposition, of large sympathies,and was deeply religious. In religiousand other circles he was recognizedas Grunthal's leading man. Hehas left a widow, four sons, and onedaughter. In business, in the church,and in the domestic circle he will begreatly missed, for in each relationshiphe was much beloved. His funeral tookplace on Saturday, May 23, at Hahndorf,and was largely attended. Theburial service was conducted by thePresident of the Conference (the Rev.Geo. Hall), assisted by the Rev. W. T.Wiltshire. An in memoriam service washeld in the Grunthal Church on Sundaymorning, May 24, when the Rev. W.T. Wiltshire preached to a large congregation.