Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHILFERS, George Jonas
Birth10 Sep 1839, Bremen, Prussia11843
Bunyip (Gawler, SA : 1863 - 1954) Fri 2 Nov 1917
103936 The death of Mr George Hilfers oc-
curred recently at the residence of his
son-in-law, Mr. G. Baass, of Minlaton.
In the early d
ays Mr. Hilfers was awell-kinown figure in Gawler, Prior tothe eighties he was the owner of theflour mill at Stockwell, from where hecame to take over the old Albion millsat Gawler: He joined Mr. James. Daw-son as partner, and they decided toreconstruct the whole of the machinery,the crushers at that time being stones.The rollers were put in, making thisthe first mill in the Commonwealth tohave the roller system. The partnersturned out first-class flour, and had bigbusiness in export to New South Walesand Queensland. In 1882 Mr. Dawsondied, and the company reorganised, Dr.F. W. H. Popham and Mr. B. E, Deland(father of the present miller at Blyth)coming into partnership. This wascarried on until 1890, when the company was added to by- the addition ofMr. W. R. Cave. The business donewas enormous, the trade being prin-cipally with England. In 1893 came thebig crash, and the mill went down withit, the losses being too heavy to re-trieve. Mr. Hilfers joined with Mr.Cave as manager of his wheat depart-ment in Adelaide, where he remaineduntil within three years »ago. TheAlbion mill never regained the dignityof a flour mill for it was purchased byMessrs. Howell and Knox, the ma-chinery being sold, and the buildingtransformed into a chaffmill. Deceasedleft a widow arid three children — Mr.James Hilfers, of Blackwood; Mrs. S.Barbour, of Western Australia; andMrs. G. Baass, of Minlaton — and sevengrandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Hilferscelebrated their golden wedding about18 months ago.
Birth31 Dec 1843, Bremen, Prussia11843
Immigration1 Jan 1865, ‘Troas’103934 Age: 21