Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMcVICAR, Duncan 
Birth10 Aug 1858, Clare, SA115902
DeathJun 1923, Hospital, Port Lincoln, SA115903,115902 Age: 64
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Fri 22 Jun 1923
115902Mr. Duncan McVicar, who died recently
at the Port Lincoln Hospital, was the
third son of Mr.
and Mrs. Neil McVicar.He was born near Clare on August 10, 1858.He spent most of his early days on sheepstations in the middle north, where hisfather was a shepherd in the employ ofMr. Maslin and other well-known squat-ters. He had a good knowledge of sheepand cattle, and was also a fine horseman.After he reached manhood Mr. McVicarspent some years on stations, and alsotravelled extensively from one State toanother with sheep and cattle. He couldtell many a good story concerning out-back life in the early days. He waslater employed as a horse driver for Caveand Co., and conveyed the first boilerfor use at the Tarcoola mines. Thiswas considered a feat of no mean order,as the boiler weighed eight tons. Witha team of 14 horses the journey was ac-complished over bush tracks and unmaderoads without mishap. Afterwards, hebecame manager of a farm for Mr. JohnWilliams at Red Hill and Willowie, andcarried on operations successfully on alarge scale until the drought causedhavoc. The following few years werespent at various towns in the north, in-cluding Wallaroo, Snowtown, and at Bro-ken Hill. Mr. McVicar, with his wifeand family, settled in the Port Lincoln dis-trict about 20 years ago, under engage-ment to manage a farm near Poonindie,but the owner shortly afterwards disposedof the land. About ten years ago Mr.McVicar was stricken with paralysis, andalthough he recovered sufficiently to walkabout a little, during the last few yearshe was practically bed-ridden. He wasof a cheerful and kindly disposition, andhad a large number of friends. He wasvery kind to dum animals, and took agreat pride in attending to any horses orcattle under his care. He leaves a widow,one son (Mr. J.K. McVicar). one daughter(Mrs. L. Altmann), and three grandchild-ren.
Birth18 Jan 1868, Moonta, SA