Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKRAMER, Harmen 
Birthca 1840
FatherKRAMER, Gerrit
Nhill Free Press (Vic. : 1914 - 1918) Tue 10 Oct 1916
On Suuday the death
occurred frompnenmonia of Mr Herman Kramer,aged 76, an old resident of Mt. Elgin.Deceased was born in Holland, andcame to South Australia when a youngman, but eventually migrated to thsWest Wimmera with his wife andfamily. The late Mr Kramer was wellknown and highly respected through-out the whole district. His wife pre-deceased him 2 years ago. Deceasedleaves a grown up family of sons anddaughters for whom the deepest sym-pathy is felt in the bereavement theyhave sustained. The remains will beinterred in the Nhill cemetery at 2.30p.m. to-day.
Birthca 1838
Death16 Sep 1907, Nhill, Vic116736 Age: 69
FatherMATTHEWS, Matthew
MotherRUS, Sarah Ann
Marriage18 Jan 1865, Gawler, SA116737