Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHEINZEL, Eberhard
Birthca 1873
Immigration26 Sep 1881, ‘Amalfi’45082 Age: 8
Death24 Dec 1934, Parkes, NSW116885 Age: 61
Western Champion (Parkes, NSW : 1898 - 1934) Fri 5 Jan 1934
Another old
and respected residentof the Parkes district, in the personof Mr. Eberhard Heinzel, of Tich-borne, passed away on December 24,after having been in ailing healthfor two years.The late Mr. Heinzel, who was 61years of age, was born in Silesia andcame to South Autralia at the age ofeight years, his father, the late Gott-lob Heinzel, being a parochial teach-er in the Lutheran Church of SouthAustralia. Deceased was married in1894 to Miss Anna Marie Schulz, andof the marriage the issue was fivesons and two daughters. They areMrs. Fedeler (Forbes), and Mrs.Gray (Coonamble), Victor (Sydney)Arthur, Roy and Cedric (Forbes)and Elmore.Prior to coming to Parkes in 1912,deceased was engaged in business inSouth Australia. He then engagedin farming pursuits at Parkes, latergoing to Tomingley and again return-ing to Parkes. He was one of thefirst farmers to demonstrate thepossibilities of power farming in theParkes district. He was a well-readman and was keenly interested in theeconomic conditions of the world, asubject on which his advice was oftensought.He was one of the foundation mem-bers of the Lutheran Church, Par-kes.A service was conducted in West'sHall by the Rev. W. P. Lehmann, ofGilgandra, at which there was alarge attendance. Many floral tributeswere sent by his large circle offriends. The funeral arrangementsFix this textwere in the hands of Messrs. T. K.Shakepeare and Co.