Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameTEAKLE, Frank 
BurialCheltenham, SA79078
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Sat 25 Jul 193679076
Couple Die WithinHalf An HourFix this textAn elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs.Frank Teakle, of Robert street, Croy-don, died within half an hour of eachother at their home yesterday. Mr.Teakle, who was previously in goodhealth, had a stroke, and began to sinkrapidly. His wife, who had been inill-health, died from shock half anhour before her husband.Mr. Teakle, who was 78, was bornat Hindmarsh, and as a brickmakerworked in the district all his life, ex-cept for a period in Tasmania. Heplayed cricket with the original Hind-marsh eleven, and was a keen fol-lower of the game, especially Testmatches.Mrs. Teakle, who was formerly MissCaroline Slade, of Glasgow (Scotland)was married at Hindmarsh 53 yearsago. They left four sons—Messrs. Gil-bert (Adelaide), Arthur (Croydon),William (Croydon), and Frank (Croy-don); and five daughters—MesdamesR. Adcock (Woodville), C. Weidedenhofer(Ponde, River Murray), W. Bond (Al-berton East), D. Thomas (Blackwood),and Miss Mabel Teakle (Croydon).
Birthca 1862
BurialCheltenham, SA79075
Alice Maud (1895-1985)
William (1898-)