Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKLUSKE, Johann August 
Birth8 Jul 1834, Laesgen, Silesia, Prussia10193,10194
Immigration26 Oct 1854, ‘Reiherstieg’2611,10194 Age: 20
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Sat 15 Sep 1900
THE LATE MR. A. KLUSKE.Our Eudunda correspondent writes, underdate September 13:—"Much surprise wascaused in the town this morning when itbecame known that Mr. August Kluske haddied during the night. Mr. Kluske, whohad been under medical care for sometime, and had recently been to Adelaideto undergo an operation, was supposed tobe getting better, but during the last fewdays he became rapidly worse, passingaway about 1 o'clock this morning. Thedeceased gentleman was a colonist of 50years, having landed in the colony earlyin the year 1850, when about 15 or 16 yearsof age. He at once engaged himself withthe late Mr. Edward Bagot, of Bagot'sWell station, where he remained sometime. Having married Miss Preusker, hebought a farm on the Moppa, near Angaston, where he resided a few years. Removing to the Eudunda district, he purchased a farm, on which he resided untilhis death—something like 30 years, duringwhich time Mr. Kluske had been closelyconnected with Eudunda and the surrounding district in business and other ways.For many years he carried on a butcheringbusiness in Eudunda, where by his genialmanner and business habits he made a hostof friends. As a. farmer Mr. Kluske wasvery successful. He was one of the first inthe district to go in for the modern-systemof' farming, including the use of the seeddrill and artificial manures, and the knowledge acquired was always at the disposalof any who might need it. As one of thefirst members of the local branch of theAgricultural Bureau Mr. Kluske was, andcontinued to be up to the time of his
death, a most valuable member, and it was
always a pleasure for the members of thebranch to spend an afternoon at his farm.He was also a member of the AgriculturalSociety, and had held the position of councillor in the district council of Neales. Mr.Kluske, who had reached the age of 66,had up to about four months ago been avery healthy man, and one who delightedin work. Mr. Kluske had had some reverses, as most farmers in this district have.For three years in succession he sowed 500acres of land without reaping a grain ofwheat, but he plodded on, and success at-tended his efforts. The homestead andgarden left behind point to the result ofthrift and perseverance. Mr Kluske leavesa wife, nine children, and six grandchildren, for whom much sympathy is feltin their time of sorrow.
Birthca 1839, Laesgan, Silesia, Prussia10194
Immigration6 Dec 1848, ‘Alfred’10197,394 Age: 9
Death1917, Eudunda, SA10194 Age: 78