Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHONNIBAL, Joseph 
Birthca 1849
Burial14 Apr 1908, Kadina, SA119301
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Fri 24 Apr 1908119300
HONNIBALL.—On the 13th April, at the Ade-laide Hospital, of cancer in the jaw. JosephHonniball, aged 59, beloved husband ofMeddow Honniball, Wallaroo Mines, leaving, foursons, four daughters, five grandchildren.
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Tue 14 Apr 1908119301
HONNIBALL.—The Friends of Mrs. MeadowHonniball are respectfully informed that theREMAINS of her late HUSBAND will be InterredFix this textin the Kadina Cemetery. The FUNERAL is ap-pointed to Move from her Residence, WallarooMines, Kadina, on TUESDAY, at 4.30 p.m.J. B. SIEBERT & SONS,W. OPIE, Undertakers
Birthca 1848
MemoMeadow, Meddow
Marriage28 Jun 1874, St Mary Church, Wallaroo, SA119302
Marr MemoMeddow FUSS