Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCARLILE, John Ogle 
FatherCARLILE, John
The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Thu 8 Jan 1863120409
CARLILE—HALLETT.—On the 5th January, at St.Matthew's Church, Kensington, by the Rev. E. Jenkins,John Ogle, third son of the late John Carlile, Esq., Col-lector H.M. Customs, Whitehaven, England, to Sara Maria,eldest daughter of John Hallett, Esq., J.P., Ilfracombe,Adelaide.
Birth13 Oct 1840, Adelaide, SA99938
Marriage5 Jan 1863, St Matthew Church, Kensington, SA99938,120408