Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePARBS, Frieda Eleonora 
Birth1 Apr 1910, Butchers Gap, SA106090
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Thu 8 Oct 1936106092
DEATH OF CHILDAND MOTHERCoroner's Finding OfMurder And SuicideHUSBAND GIVESEVIDENCEAt the conclusion of the inquest yes-terday into the deaths of Mrs. Freda
Eleanor Stockman, 26, and her son,Brian Desmond Stockman, 5, who werefound dead in a house in Toms court.City, on the night of September 1, theCoroner (Mr. Blackburn) found thatthe child had "met his death from abullet fired from a gun by Freda Eleanor Stockman, and that Mrs. Stockman had died from a seif-inflicted bullet wound….
Birth19 Nov 1907, Braefoot, SA106088
MemoFritz Heinrich
MemoFrederick Heinrich age 71
BurialCentennial Park Cemetery, Pasadena, SA106089
Marriage13 Jan 1930, Lutheran Church, Flinders St, Adelaide, SA106093