Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHOEPNER, Constance Jean
Birth23 Oct 1917, Balaklava, SA124099
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 2 Mar 1939124100
Dunow — HoepnerIn the Balaklava Methodist Church, Constance Jean, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs.B. O. Hoepner, of Balaklava, and CharlesWilliam, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W.Dunow, also of Balaklava, were married bythe Rev. J. Barrett.The bride was gowned in white satin, theveil being held in place with orange blossom, and carried a shower bouquet of pinkand white Sowers. The bridesmaids, MissesVerna Hoepner and Mary Saint, were frockedalike in pink crinkle georgette, relieved withblue. Their bouquets were of pink andblue, and they wore headdresses of net. Mr.W. Hallion was best man, and Mr. E. Many/grcomsman. The bridal party was entertained at hte home of the bride's parents
The Wooroora Producer (Balaklava, SA : 1909 - 1940) Thu 26 Jan 1939124101
DUNOW -- HOEPNERWEDDINGIn the Balaklava Methodist Churchat 5 p.m. on Saturday, January 21st,Constance Jean, elder daughter ofMr. and Mrs. B. O. Hoepner, of Bal-aklava, and Charles William, elderson of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dunow, alsoof Balaklava, were married by theRev. J. C. Barrett.The bride, who entered the churchwith her father, was gowned in whitesatin, the veil being held in placewith orange blossom, and carried ashower bouquet of pink and whiteflowers.The bridesmaids, Misses VernaHoepner and Mary Saint, were frockedalike in pink crinkle georgetterelieved with blue. Their bouquetswere of pink and blue, and they woreheaddresses of net.Mr. W. Hallion was best man andMr. E. Manley groomsman. Duringthe signing of the register, Miss E.Spillane sang "My Prayer," Mr. L. L.March presiding at the organ.The bridal party and parents wereafterwards entertained at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Hoepner, where thebride and groom found a weddingcake the surprise gift of Mrs. W. H.Hoepner, of Whitwarta.Mr. and Mrs. Dunow will live atWhitwarta.
Birth29 Oct 1913, Balaklava, SA124098
Marriage21 Jan 1939, Methodist Church, Balaklava, SA124100,124101