Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHEIN, Johann Gottlieb 
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 13 Aug 1931124132
MR. J. G. HEINThe death, at theage of 81 years, ofMr. Johann Gottlieb Hein, has re-moved another old resident of theTweedvale district. He was born inPrussia, Germany, in 1849, and wascalled to the colors in the conflict withFrance, 1870-1871. In 1884 he came toSouth Australia with his wife and sixchildren. For a few years he followedfarming near Callington, but later re-moved to Lobethal (now Tweedvale),where he resided for the rest of hislife. His wife and one daughter predeceased him ten years ago. Threedaughters, Mesdames J. H. Roe (Murray Bridge), H. von Howell (Woodside),and A. Young (Western Australia), andthree sons, Messrs. C. G., J. G., and F.E. Hein (all of Tweedvale), survivehim. There are 32 grandchildren andseven great-grandchildren.
Death9 Dec 1920, Tweedvale, SA Age: 80